4th Media: African Development versus Debt, Rule of Law versus Western Subversion

Unity and Economic Development Essential for Genuine Progress in Africa “Africa in Review 2013, Part II: Unity and Economic Development Essential for Genuine Progress” From Malawi to Niger imperialist states continue to hamper sovereignty and peace President Joyce Banda of the Southern African state of Malawi is currently facing a crisis quite similar to her predecessor, …

4th Media: Group of Thirty created in 1913 as a response to “the Populist assault on the massive concentration of wealth in the hands of few.”

Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty and the “Good Discussion” They’re Still Having Dec 9th, 2013 @ 12:57 pm › Kiyul Chung The Group of Thirty (or G-30) describes itself as “a private, nonprofit, international body composed of very senior representatives of the private and public sectors and academia,” which “aims to deepen understanding of international …

Chuck Spinney: The Intellectual and Political Foundations of 21st Century Jihad Sayyid Qutub’s Fundamentalism and Abu Bakr Naji’s Jihadism

My friend, Bill Polk, a distinguished historian specializing in the Middle East, is busily writing a series of extended essays aimed at increasing our understanding of the conflict in Syria and, by extension, our seemingly  perpetual war with the Islamic world.  I posted the first part of this series, collectively entitled Understanding Syria, on 8 …

Stephen E. Arnold: NSA and Google Compete for Internet – We All Lose

The NSA and Google Compete for the Internet, and We All Lose An article posted on Tech Eye titled US Spying is Killing the Internet Claims Google explains the outrage expressed by Google when it was released that the NSA had tapped into their system in order to obtain user information. Google’s security director Richard …

Berto Jongman: Prison Letters — Pussy Riot and Slavoj Zizek

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot’s prison letters to Slavoj Žižek Pussy Riot’s Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is currently in a prison hospital in Siberia; here she and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek meet in an extraordinary exchange of letters • Pussy Riot: composer Cecilie Ore’s choral tribute to the punk band Slavoj Žižek, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova The Guardian, Friday 15 …