Category: Open Source Everything

Category:Open Source Everything Below are the nine sub-categories for Open Source Everything as documented in a preliminary manner at the P2P Foundation wiki. Open Data Open Governance Open Health Open Infrastructures Open Intelligence Open Manufacturing Open Provisioning Open Software Open Space Below the fold: 60+ opens as distributed across above sub-categories.

Hans Kern Interviews Robert Steele for Rag ‘n Rock: World Brain II.0 or How We Should End Secrecy and Learn to Harness the Hive Mind

World Brain II.0 How We End Secrecy and Harness the Hive Mind Robert Steele is unusual for an American… he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust. Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemre Aybars, Turkish Navy (retired) A conversation …