Berto Jongman: Jihadology – Pros and Cons and Outcomes of Imprisoning Muslims

GUEST POST: Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t: The Gordian Knot of Europe’s Jihadi Homecoming By Zach Goldberg Introduction The homecoming of Europe’s jihadi volunteers (or émigrés) from Syria remains an enduring source of public disquiet. That battle-hardened and radicalized Muslim-European passport holders would return to leverage acquired “skills” at home is a specter …

Berto Jongman: Neelie Kroes, VP European Commission, on Threats, Challenges, and Change Needed in the Internet Governance Concept

Her demands sound like OSINT demands in the 1990’s. I will soon be travelling to Sao Paulo to attend NETmundial, the Multi-stakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance. The purpose of NETmundial is to develop principles of Internet governance and a roadmap for the future development of this ecosystem. I have already shared with …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines “Rothschild Chip” Could Power Nano-Drones for Good or Evil

MH370: How Fatal is the Chip That Rothschild Reportedly ‘Acquired’? EXTRACT How destructible could this chip be? In a detailed report from Malaysia Chronicle dated April 8, it said that Freescale launched what could be the world’s smallest microcontroller in Feb 2013 called the Kinesis KL02. KL02 measures 1.9 mm by 2mm and contains RAM, …

Berto Jongman: Frederick Kagan on Why US Has Failed to Defeat Al Qaeda

Missing the Target: Why the US Has Not Defeated al Qaeda Frederick W. Kagan, TESTIMONY American Enterprise Institute, 8 April 2014 All conditions are set for a series of significant terrorist attacks against the US and its allies over the next few years. But that’s not the worst news. Conditions are also set for state …

Mini-Me: Afghanistan — Multi-Billion Dollar Abandonment — an Opportunity for Funding Peace After ISAF

Huh? Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan How much “stuff” is the United States military leaving behind as it withdraws from Afghanistan after 12 years of war? Try some $6 billion worth. And much of it may yet end up in a junk pile. That includes 850 MRAPS (Mine-Resistant …