Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines — Soros, Israel, False Flag Blaming Iran — The Final Answer?

Role Of Israel & Soros Exposed By MH370 Twin Jet In Tel Aviv By Yoichi Shimatsu, 3-27-14 BANGKOK – It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel’s embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a “strike by …

Patrick Meier: Humanitarians Using UAVs for Post Disaster Recovery

Humanitarians Using UAVs for Post Disaster Recovery I recently connected with senseFly’s Adam Klaptocz who founded the non-profit group DroneAdventures to promote humanitarian uses of UAVs. I first came across Adam’s efforts last year when reading about his good work in Haiti, which demonstrated the unique role that UAV technology & imagery can play in post-disaster contexts. DroneAdventures has also …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines a Practice Run or Real Asian 9/11 Aborted for Reasons Unknown?

Flight 370: Zio-Al Queda-NeoCon Sequel to 9-11 Aborted, a Practice Run or on Horizon (Literally)? This article states the piloting of flight 270 involved flying it at very low levels to evade radar: “As the search for the missing flight MH370 enters its 10th day with few clues as to its whereabouts, the New Straits …

Berto Jongman: “Russian Spring” Will De-Americanize Europe as CELAC is De-Americanizing Central and South America

Cyber attack: ‘The Russian Spring’ in the hands of Putin, domination of Europe is close Submitted by CWZ on Sun, 03/16/2014 Does the name Aleksand Dugin ring you any bells? Well, he is one of the advisors of Putin and on 9 March 2014 he provided Putin a plan on how to dominate Europe. Aleksandr Dugin …

Berto Jongman: Enemies of the Internet

A Short Guide to the Internet’s Biggest Enemies Electronic Frontier Foundation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) released its annual “Enemies of the Internet” index this week—a ranking first launched in 2006 intended to track countries that repress online speech, intimidate and arrest bloggers, and conduct surveillance of their citizens.  Some countries have been mainstays on the …

Berto Jongman: Gobekli Tepe archeological site forces us to rewrite history

Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interview with British author Graham Hancock on A9 TV (18 September, 2013) There was no Stone Age per se. Discoveries in Turkey document the beginning of agriculture and a massive stonework society far advanced from all prior conceptions — an ancient center of innovation.  Also discusses Arc of the Covenant. Ends on …