Mini-Me: US Government Lies to the US People? Huh?

Huh? Reagan Assistant Secretary of Commerce Paul Craig Roberts: Friday’s Jobs Report: More Lies From “our” Big Brother EXTRACT: In his report on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs and unemployment report, statistician John Williams ( writes: “The July employment and unemployment numbers published today, August 3rd, were worthless and likely misleading. . . …

Código Abierto Todo: evolución acelerada a través de la libre información

Phi Beta Iota:  Click on header to open full post, then use Google Translate to read in English (top of middle column).  Contract has been signed to publish the book in Spanish in Spain — this does not exclude the book also being contracted for translation by any Central or Latin American publisher.  Person in …

Marcus Aurelius: NSA Blocks

US Cyber Command (read:  NSA)  has, “for operational reasons,” blocked access to from DoD computers.  You get a pretty WEBSITE BLOCKED notice. Block “category” is:  “USCC_WIKILEAKS_BLOCK” Also contains following blurb:  “This is a DoD enterprise-level protection system intended to reduce risk to DoD users and protect DoD systems from intrusion.  It will block access …

Penguin: Pentagon Spending Taxpayer Money to Identify Insider Threats — Never Realizing that Pentagon Misbehavior Inspires Insider Patriots

After paying for the development of this bullshit we can all plan building this expense into our family budgets. The Way The Pentagon Is Predicting Your Potential To Become A National Threat Is Frightening Eloise Lee Business Insider, May 7, 2012, Tom Cruise made “pre-crime’” a futuresque and controversial method of law enforcement in the …

David Swanson: What Bradley Manning Means to Us All…

What Bradley Manning Means to Us By David Swanson Chase Madar’s new book, The Passion of Bradley Manning, pulls together the essential facts that we should try to somehow deliver to television viewers and victims of our education system.  The subtitle is “The Story of the Suspect Behind the Largest Security Breach in U.S. History.” …