Journal: Reich Whines Because Gore & Obama Took the Bribe, Now Democrats Realize They Were Theater

Published on Friday, October 8, 2010 by Robert Reich’s Blog The Secret Big-Money Takeover of America by Robert Reich Not only is income and wealth in America more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years, but those hands are buying our democracy as never before – and they’re doing it behind closed …

Journal: Israel, Obama, Settlements–Cape Job

Obama makes Abbas & Bibi an offer they can’t refuse Planetary Movement Middle East Update 9/5/10 The terms of the rapidly developing agreement appear to be based on the long-established parameters predicated on the 1967 borders and the right of return for a still undisclosed number of Palestinian families displaced by the Arab-Israeli wars.  An …

Secrecy News: From Gingrich to Obama–“We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution…”

EXTRAJUDICIAL TARGETING OF AMERICANS CHALLENGED Two civil liberties organizations said they will file a legal challenge against the government’s suspected targeting for assassination of an American supporter of Al Qaeda, arguing that under the U.S. Constitution no citizen can be “deprived of life… without due process of law.” The American Civil Liberties Union and the …