Journal: Obama Strike Four…

Mr. Obama’s presidency is now being defined by four intractable problems: (1) Persistent High Unemployment due to the intractable Great Recession; (2) a Financial Giveaway that protected rich Wall Street bankers at the expense of the masses who are suffering economically from the Great Recession the bankers triggered; (2) A BP Environmental Disaster that reveals …

Journal: Farce on Farce…and Contempt for Obama

COMMENT:  Ten years the FBI has been watching this do-nothing network and this breaks now?  The contempt for Obama appears to have reached uncontrollable levels.   Fact #1:  the network was launched ten years or more ago.  Fact #2:  the network has not actually done any spying.  The timing of this action appears extraordinarily contemptuous of …

Journal: McChrystal Out Petraeus In Obama Loots On…

CounterPunch Diary Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obama a Huge Favor By ALEXANDER COCKBURN, Counterpunch Just when Barack Obama’s presidency was drowning in BP’s crude oil, a megalomaniacal US Army general called Stanley McChrystal, commander of the US-led coalition in Afghanistan, did him several huge favors Phi Beta Iota:  Absolutely worth the full read.  Both the White …