Patrick Meier: #Westgate Tweets One Hour Before Attacks to Two Hours Afterwards — Who, What, When, Where…

#Westgate Tweets: A Detailed Study in Information Forensics My team and I at QCRI have just completed a detailed analysis of the 13,200+ tweets posted from one hour before the attacks began until two hours into the attack. The purpose of this study, which will be launched at CrisisMappers 2013 in Nairobi tomorrow, is to make …

Chuck Spinney: Emile Nakhleh on Saudi Anger over Losing Influence — Iran Ascendant

Saudi Anger Masks Concern About Loss of Influence by Emile Nakhleh via IPS News, 13 November 2013 Saudi Arabia’s public anger against the United States masks the kingdom’s growing concern about its diminishing influence in the Persian Gulf and the wider Arab world. It has nothing to do with U.S. policy toward the Palestinians, Washington’s …

SmartPlanet: Staggering Costs of Fukushima Clean Up (Never Mind Toxicity Blowing East) + Fukushima RECAP

The staggering costs to clean up Fukushima More than two years since the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the Fukushima power plant meltdown is still a major, global environmental problem. And the staggering price tag for cleaning it up continues to rise. The Japanese government just announced that it’s borrowing about $30 billion more to …

Steve Aftergood: Pentagon Drone Program Cut in Half, New Military Doctrine

PENTAGON DRONE PROGRAMS TAPER OFF, AND NEW MIL DOCTRINE The Department of Defense budget for research and procurement of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones, is on a distinctly downward slope. The FY 2014 budget request included $2.3 billion for research, development, and procurement of unmanned aerial systems, a decrease of $1.1 billion from the …

Owl: Monbiot: Corporate New World Order Dictatorship Close to Implementation, Democracy and Law for Ordinary People Nearly Dead

Monbiot: Corporate New World Order Dictatorship Close to Implementation, Democracy and Law for Ordinary People Nearly Dead It’s coming together piece by major piece for the Elite’s plans of absolute and total world domination: imposition of GMO food and many toxic substance for human consumption, covert eugenics via not only food and water, but constant …

4th Media: Global Power Project (Part I, II, & III)

Part I: Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance This is the first of a series of exposés focusing on the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the very “visible hand” of financial markets. It is a continuation of the Global Power Project produced by Part 1 examines the origins of the IIF. Founded …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter – Issue 67, October 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 67, October 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 71,727 other activists. That’s 1,011 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …