Robert Steele: A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones – Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? UPDATE Mongol Manchuria

A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? Robert David Steele UPDATE: Putin has invited Kim to visit Russia, and this is likely to happen. A source in Japan reports that the Japanese and Koreans want Russia involved in order to dilute US role …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Clever Plans Continued — and a Break-Down of the Deep State Beligerents

Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head Full text posted with permission. U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States.  A kinder way of putting it would be to say that …

CounterPunch: The Dark Side of Israeli Independence (Zionist Genocide of Palestinians)

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence by Brett Wilkins On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Each May 15, Palestinians solemnly commemorate Nakba Day. Nakba means catastrophe, and that’s precisely what Israel’s independence has been for the more than 700,000 Arabs and their five million refugee descendants forced from their homes and into exile, …

Gareth Porter: Did John Bolton Leak Intelligence to Sabotage a Trump-Kim Deal?

Did John Bolton Leak Intelligence to Sabotage a Trump-Kim Deal? The graphite factory episode would not be the first time Bolton had used alleged intelligence to try to block a negotiated agreement. In early 2004, Bolton, as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, was determined to prevent the British, French and German …