Mongoose: Is Rahm Emanuel in Chicago to Coordinate and then Cover Up the Next Zionist False Flag Attack in the USA?

Chicago next? A retired officer with deep knowledge of 9/11, and the covert war between  the Pentagon White Hats and the Zionist Navy, has come in to say that he believes the next false flag will be in Chicago, if it is not prevented, and that Rahm Emanuel was explicitly placed in Chicago by the …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

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Robert Steele: Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un, Billy Graham — The Christian Back Story Underlying the Koreas Unification

I am constantly impressed by “Sorcha Faal.” Despite being a known fabricator, the quality of the narratives and the integrity of the links used to support the narrative are very valuable — far more valuable than, say, anything from Crap News Network (CNN) or anything in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB). “Deep State” Goes Into …