Preston James: Abandoned POWs (Russia, Korea, Viet-Nam) — Betrayal Revelations Emergent

Left Behind — America’s POWs Across Fifty Years Preston James, PhD Veterans Today, 10 October 2013 One of the USG’s greatest betrayals and a true blight upon America is the USG’s stubborn refusal to “come clean officially” and tell the truth about leaving thousands of US Soldiers behind in Russia at the end of WW2, …

Kevin Barrett: Saudis Threaten Russian Olympics, Israeli False Flag in Syria, US Spins Round and Round

Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge. The growth of credible voices denouncing the “official” story on Syria as a web of lies is noteworthy.  As best we can tell, the 900 lb gorilla is now captive to financial and religious forces few comprehend, while the BRICS are emergent as the alternative world order, …

Event: 25 SEP DC Analyzing Russia-Syria Alliance

The Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS) For a Policy Roundtable Discussion & Rooftop Reception on Analyzing the Russia-Syria Alliance: Is Putin’s defense of Al-Assad all bark — or bite? A senior level expert panel discusses implications for policy makers Wednesday, September 25, 2013 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

NIGHTWATCH (2): Russia Draws the Line at Syria

IN REVERSE ORDER (TODAY FIRST, YESTERDAY SECOND) Russia: President Putin today accused the West of worsening the situation in Syria by “blowing up an internal conflict” there. His remarks were broadcast by state news television channel Rossiya 24. At an international meeting Putin interrupted former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon who said mass murder in …