Ed Jewett: Zionist Strike 32 — The Assassination of JFK Jr. By Israel For Hillary Clinton, Covered Up by President Bill Clinton UPDATE – JFK Jr. Alive?

The Broken Presidential Destiny of JFK, Jr. Israel’s “Kennedy Curse”? Laurent Guyénot Like Michael Collins Piper long before me, and like Ron Unz more recently, I believe that Israel assassinated both JFK and RFK. From there follows naturally the hypothesis that Israel also killed JFK Jr., and for the very same reason as they killed …

Yoda: Anti-Zionist BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement Gaining Global Support

Israel fights BDS movement as pro-Palestinian campaign gains global support During the summer, more than a dozen performers backed out of Israel’s Meteor Festival after headliner Lana Del Rey canceled. Scientists, academics and even fruit fans have backed BDS: Grape exports to Europe from the Jordan Valley in the West Bank have fallen by 80 …

Yoda: Lloyds of London Fears EMF 5G – EXCLUDES Coverage! — Electromagnetic Pollution Will Kill You, NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE — Sierra Club Opposes

Alert Reader writes: How curious that Lloyds of London has excluded from their policies any negative health effects caused by wi-fi technologies. Now, WHY would Lloyds leave all that money on the table if these technologies are so safe? And, why are other insurance companies following Lloyds’ lead? If you think that following-the-money provides insights, …

Consortium News: John Walsh on Daniel Ellsberg on Dismantling the Doomsday Machines (Dead Hand Nuclear Flash Bang, 2 Billion Dead for Sure)

Dismantling the Doomsday Machines What Ellsberg discovered is that some of these “others” are military people who are concerned that they too could be hit in a decapitating strike.  So they also have the authority to delegate. In fact, no one, perhaps not even the president, nor his circle of advisors, knows who can launch …

Robert Steele: Ilhan Omar Rocks! UPDATE 5: Cynthia McKinney 2.0?

Ilhan Omar says it’s ‘exciting’ her controversial views on Israel are sparking debate ORIGINAL OPEN LETTER TO CNN lhan Omar’s views are not controversial, they are mainstream. It is a testament to your corruption and your obsequiousness to the Zionist forces that bribe, blackmail, and lie, that you should have such an obviously inccorrect take.

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fake News Videos Can Tip Election, Spark Violence …

Deep Fakes: A Tough Nut to Crack If you are in the media or intelligence business, you undoubtedly already know about the potential of deep fakes or “deepfake” videos. Clips that utilize AI technology to create realistic and completely fake videos using existing footage. The catch is that they are getting more and more convincing…and …