Howard Rheingold: Bottlenose Social Dashboard Beta

Bottlenose Intelligent Social Dashboard Launches Private Beta Jon Mitchell ReadWriteWeb, December 12, 2011 In the words of Nova Spivack, we are approaching The Sharepocalypse. The real-time Web sounded like a great idea, but it has become impossible to manage. The success of social media has proven, ironically, to be its biggest challenge. The services we …

2011 Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP

UPDATE 11 December 2012:  The report is now out.  The below commentary was posted 12 December 2011, one year prior to the final report.  Global Trends 2030: Full Copy (166 Pages) Here, Review by Robert Steele — Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts Although Global Trends 2030 will not be released …

Mini-Me: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Spanish: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC, Portuguese: Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos, French: Communauté des États Latino-Américains et Caribéens, Dutch: Gemeenschap van de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische landen) is the tentative name[1] of a regional bloc of Latin American and Caribbean nations created on February …

Steven Aftergood: CIA Classifies Open Source Works

Charter of Open Source Org is Classified, CIA Says Open Source Works, which is the CIA’s in-house open source analysis component, is devoted to intelligence analysis of unclassified, open source information.  Oddly, however, the directive that established Open Source Works is classified, as is the charter of the organization.  In fact, CIA says the very …

Marcus Aurelius: Denial, Delusional, or Just Dumb?

This and that. What’s Wrong With Washington How much are voters to blame? Polarization  ..  Permanent campaign  ..  Citizen shortcomings  ..  Dysfunction by design  ..  Special interests A bleak look at America’s future David Ignatius on Global Trends 2030 (to be released after November 2012) US military a prime ‘target’ for home-grown terrorists The US …

Howard Rheingold: Understanding Search Algorithms

Digital Literacy: Search Algorithms are Mechanical Turks John Jones DMLcentral, December 8, 2011 One of the most pervasive features of computing culture are algorithms, the sets of processes or instructions contained in computer code that determine how a particular task will be completed. While algorithms power everything from your automatic coffee maker to your smart …