Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 66 Semtember 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 66, September 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 70,716 other activists. That’s 1,090 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

Steve Aftergood: To Fix US Intelligence, Shrink It

TO FIX U.S. INTELLIGENCE, SHRINK IT? Criticism of U.S. intelligence takes many forms:  Intelligence agencies are too secretive, or they are too leaky.  They over-collect, or they under-perform.  Or all of these, and more besides. Many of the criticisms can be reduced to a single argument: The U.S. intelligence community has become too large to …

Berto Jongman: Reuters Tells the Syria Story [Possible Disinformation]

Special Report: Syria – A chemical crime, a complex reaction By John Irish and Warren Strobel Reuters, 17 September 2013 PARIS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In early spring France’s ambassador to the United Nations dined with a Russian colleague and discussed the crisis in Syria. Ambassador Gerard Araud told the Russian diplomat France was going to go …

Berto Jongman: Eric Garland on 20th Century Myths Driving US Intervention

Myth 1 : America has to act. Myth 2 : America’s actions are benevolent. Myth 3 : America can win wars. The 20th century myths driving US intervention The logic behind a possible US strike in Syria is anachronistic, writes author. Eric Garland Al Jazeera, 15 September 2013 In the past few weeks, I have …

Chuck Spinney: Andrew Bacevich on David Brooks of the NYT “Always Wrong”

This superb piece by Andrew Bacevich (Colonel US Army Ret.) is one the best portraits of what is wrong with self-important warmongering commentariat in the mainstream media: Track records count for nothing in the cozy salons of Versailles on the Potomac. SUNDAY, SEP 15, 2013 3:30 PM UTC David Brooks is constantly wrong Takes a …

Eagle: Cantaloupe vs. al-Qaeda: What’s More Dangerous? (Hint: In 2011, 17 Americans Killed by Terrorists, 33 Killed by a SINGLE Cantelope)

One of the most important revelations from the international drama over Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks in May is the exposure of a nearly lunatic disproportion in threat assessment and spending by the US government. This disproportion has been spawned by a fear-based politics of terror that mandates unlimited money and media attention for even the …

Jean Lievens: Creating Global Unions Crossing All Boundaries

Discussing Global Unionism II: The Social Network Model Below we are re-posting the second paper of the very timely discussion on how to form truly global unions -instead of international federation of national unions. The discussion has been recently launched by the New Unionism Network and you can read other papers here. The union movement and FaceBook are about the …