Berto Jongman: Pedophilia USA – NSA, Pentagon, Blackmail — Much More to Come…

The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg – The Full Story is Much More Disturbing The full scope of the political pedophile ring scandal in the U.K. can’t be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic SGCNews, 8 July 2014 Full Story with Three YouTubes …

Jean Lievens: Tiny Windmill Siphons Renewable Energy to Your Apartment

Tiny Windmill Siphons Renewable Energy To Your Apartment – PSFK Dutch company claims to have a wind turbine that is 80% more efficient than existent turbines. Wind turbines might be an excellent source of renewable energy, but they have yet to become a residential feature due to one thing – the noise. Thankfully, a Rotterdam-based …

Tom Atlee: How to Integrate Information for a Wiser Democracy

How to integrate information for a wiser democracy Many fields and professions – from journalism and academia to video games and movies – can and do stimulate informed – or misinformed – democratic engagement. Usually these sectors operate in semi-independent silos. Bringing them together to craft synergistic innovations on behalf of actionable shared understanding could …

Yoda: Wikipedia Generally Wrong on Medical Issues – 9 out of 10 Health Entries in Error

Again, we say. Using Wikipedia To Look Up Your Illness Is A Bad Idea, Scientists Confirm Researching symptoms and health concerns on Wikipedia will lead you to false information most of the time, scientists in the U.S. say. Scientists compared health information from the online encyclopedia with peer-reviewed medical research. They concluded that 90 percent …