Event: 30-31 May 2014 George Mason University Transparency Camp

TransparencyCamp 2014: Friday May 30– Saturday May 31 at George Mason University Arlington Campus TransparencyCamp is an “unconference” for opengov, an event where, every year hundreds of people gather to share their knowledge about how to use new technologies and policies to make our government really work for the people—and to help people work smarter …

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft Embraces Open Source – Watch for Flying Pigs

Watch for Flying Pigs as Microsoft Embraces Open Source Microsoft is getting its open source on. Ars Technica reports, “Microsoft Open Sources a Big Chunk of .NET.” It seems the tech giant is softening its stance on open source resources; perhaps they now see they have little choice if the company wants to remain relevant. …

Jean Lievens: Open Source Urbanism & “Right to Infrastructure”

The right to infrastructure: a prototype for open source urbanism Alberto Corsín Jiménez Abstract. This paper develops an analytical framework to place the rise of open source urbanism in context, and develops the concept of the ‘right to infrastructure’ as expressive of new ecologies of urban relations that have come into being. It describes, first, …