Mini-Me: Global Revolution – Rethinking Assumptions

Globalrevolution / Network movements / Technopolitics | Berlin 31.01.2014 | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Presentation Transcript 1. globalrevolution/ network-movements/ technopolitics/ adrià rodríguez @adriaral participating with Fundación de los Comunes participating with #GRRN Global Revolution Research Network developing Project Kairós berlin 31.01.2014 2. *A big part of the data and ideas here presented are the insights …

Rob Dover & Robert Steele: Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence – Seven Barriers to Reform

PDF (15 Pages): Dover Steele PSA April 2014 Dover, R & Steele, RD (2014) Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence: Seven Barriers to Reform, Paper presented the UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester (14 Arpil 2014). ROBERT STEELE: An Open Source Agency would be helpful but I was naive to expect the US IC …

Stephen E. Arnold: New York Public Library Posts Open Maps

New York Public Library Posts Maps The New York Public Library has a massive collection of beautiful maps, but instead of keeping them locked in an archive Motherboard reports, “The New York Public Library Releases 20,000 Beautiful High Resolution Maps.” All of the 20,000 maps are available via open access. What is even more amazing …

Berto Jongman: Aaron Moritz on Rethinking Access to Research

We Need to Rethink Access to Scientific Research Aaron Moritz One of humanity’s greatest technological triumphs is today’s potential for widespread and unrestricted access to all of our collected knowledge. As we march towards this noble goal, there is something crucial we need to talk about. That is, some of the most vital information we …

Berto Jongman: Malaysia Airlines – Israeli False Flag to Implicate Iran, Gone Wrong?

Media Theories on Missing Flight MH370 Fail Analysis Though One Plausible Scenario, Consistent with Known Facts, Does Explain Mystery  By Doug E. Steil | Aletho News | March 17, 2014 Even though, the recent disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370 continues to be a mystery, numerous scenarios that have been circulating in the past week can essentially …