National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Denies Access to WTC Collapse Data

FINDING REGARDING PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 7(d) of the National Construction Safety Team Act, I hereby find that the disclosure of the information described below, received by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”), in connection with its investigation of the technical causes of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers …


Phi Beta Iota:  The next Director of National Intelligence (DNI) should be required by Congress, as conditions for confirmation, to agree to open the entire Intelligence Community, every single one of the 953 codeword compartments (and the other 200+ that “don’t exist”); and to immediately and without further ado declassify all documents as required by …

Yemen: Internal Situation Report for October 2009 prepared by USCG Intelligence Coordination Center (ICC)

This report was prepared by the USCG Intelligence Coordination Center (ICC) in support of the Yemen Virtual Intelligence Team Community of Interest (COI) regarding the current political, military, economic, and social situations in Yemen. KEY ISSUES • The Yemeni Government’s internal northern war against the Zaidi Shia or “Huthi” rebels escalated with the August 2009 …

Gulf Oil Plume Video-Ticker, Maps, and Photos + PBS Suggestion-Collection from the Public

+ Suggestions from the public on what to do being posted at PBS NewsHour’s YouTube channel (over 1,700 posts) Related: + Oil Kill by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) + Remote Operated Vehicle feeds + Supercomputer tapped for 3D models of oil spill + BP Gulf of Mexico presentation + PHOTOS + BP Deepwater Horizon Situation …