Search: cocreation

In the narrow business sense, co-creation is something done with other businesses or with customers or other stakeholders.  This happens in the context of what is now called a business eco-system or business ecology. This is a very important concept, more usually referred to as co-evolution, and more recently, as co-intelligence.  A good example of …

Reflections from Tom Atlee–We Beg One and All to Read and Contribute-and Join Us in Louiseville!

Phi Beta Iota: We beg one and all to read this and to contribute to the Co-Intelligence Institute whatever they can, be it $20 or $250 (our founder’s usual contribution).  Tom Atlee brought collective intelligence and public intelligence to where it is today.  America–and the world–need him vibrant and engaged.  PLEASE do what you can …

Review: Rethink–A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation

It’s About Context, Business Ecosystems, and IT Impact September 18, 2010 Ric Merrifield I bought this book on the recommendation of a colleague whom I have known for twenty years, both of us members of the Silicon Valley Hackers Conference started by Stewart Brand and now managed by Glen Tenney. When I came to buy …