Howard Rheingold, then editor of the Whole Earth Review (WER) gave us access to all past issues of WER, and permission to select and print this special collection of authors and idea relevant to the Revolution in Intelligence Affairs (RIA). All of it remains relevant because both government and industry have chosen to remain on an industrial-era path that over-stresses centralized control, corporate copyright, and technology instead of thinking.
Here is a tiny sampling from that collection, all 75 items free online.
Stewart Brand, Uncommon Courtesy: A School of Compassionate Skills (Summer 1982)
Donella H. Meadows, Whole Earth Models & Systems (Summer 1982)
Marvin Minsky, Society of Mind (Summer 1986)
Kathleen Newroe, Distance Learning: Tuning in to the World's Lessons on Satellite TV (Winter 1988)
Howard Rheingold, Ethnobotany: The Search for Vanishing Knowledge (Fall 1989)
Stewart Brand, Outlaws, Musicians, Lovers, and Spies: The Future of Control (Summer 1990)
Gore Vidal, Founding Father Knows Best (Spring 1991)
Duane Elgin, Conscious Democracy Through Electronic Town Meetings (Summer 1991)
Art Kleiner, The Co-Evolution of Governance (Spring 1992)
Robert David Steele, E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence (Fall 1992)