Reference: Truth & Nuance as an Information Operations (IO) Mission

Aldous Huxley Would Be Proud by Kelley B. Vlahos, December 14, 2010 EXTRACT:  British novelist Aldous Huxley was a social critic and futurist, who is best known for penning Brave New World, which, aside from being a nearly 80-year-old science fiction masterpiece, is both an allegory and prophecy for 21st Century western society. Huxley’s finger …

Tutorial: How Not to Get a Good [Air Force] OER

Readers on this list who have served in the military should really watch this summary of how get a good officer efficiency report (aka officer proficiency report, etc.). Air Force Promotion Review Above is a YouTube Video 3:13. The 47 comments are themselves worthy of attention.

Journal: China Expands in Europe, US Shrinks….

Capitalizing on the Euro Crisis China Expands Its Influence in Europe By Wieland Wagner Der Spiegel, 14 December 2010 China is seizing on Europe’s debt problems to expand its influence on the continent with large-scale investments and purchases of government bonds issued by highly-indebted states. The strategy could push Europe into the same financial dependency …