Robert Steele: Does “The Intercept” Take Orders from NSA Now?

Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election I discussed this article with Bill Binney and we agree that is is at best misleading. In my view The Intercept is betraying the public trust by failing to recognize that Barack Obama and John Brennan led a combination of interagency witchhunt and “spygate” …

Robert Steele Reddit AMA: Digitally Assassinated by #GoogleGestapo (Zionists)

UPDATE: The following was posted 9 June 2018 by the organizer of the Ask Me Anything (AMA) event featuring Robert David Steele: [–]aleister[M] [score hidden] 3 hours ago Robert Steele has informed me that his account was suspended for three days, effectively a digital assassination of the AMA. He wants everybody to know that he …

Mongoose: The Khazarian Debt Scam Explained

The Khazarian Debt Scam The Chinese move against the petrodollar should not be mistaken as a move against the United States, though. It is really a move against the 700 or so top Khazarian Mafiosi who have used their control of the petrodollar as part of their plan to enslave humanity.

Chris Hedges on The Coming Collapse of America Generally and the Democratic Party Especially

The Coming Collapse The Democratic Party, which helped build our system of inverted totalitarianism, is once again held up by many on the left as the savior. Yet the party steadfastly refuses to address the social inequality that led to the election of Trump and the insurgency by Bernie Sanders. It is deaf, dumb and …

Berto Jongman: RAND on OSINT — Without Integrity

RAND_RR1964_OSINT_2018 Rethinking OSINT as an Intelligence Discipline Defining Open Source and OSINT OSINT Subtypes …News Media Content …Gray Literature. …Long-Form Social Media Content …Short-Form Social Media Content OSINT Methodology: The OSINT Operations Cycle …Collection …Processing …Exploitation …Production