New Low Cost + Extremely Portable Water Filter – OsmoPure

MassChallenge has awarded OsmoPure, an NCIIA E-Team, one of its four $100,000 prizes. See announcement. OsmoPure, from Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, is developing a low-cost water purification device for developing countries based on simple membrane filtration technology. The team showcased the invention at NCIIA’s student innovation showcase in San Francisco earlier this year. Source link

Worth a Look: Momentum Crowdsourcing for Open Source Intelligence

MOMENTUM: REAL OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Here’s a short essay on a new software tool my team built called Momentum. It does something pretty unusual and worthy of note.  It uses crowdsourcing (by leveraging the work of 500 million users on global social networks) to make open source intelligence gathering easy.* ___________________ Here are some real …

Journal: Taliban Letter to Congress, Lobbying Starts Now

Taliban Seek to Sway U.S. Congress With ‘Open Letter’ Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2010 Matthew Rosenberg KABUL—Add another group to the list of people with a message for the newly elected U.S. Congress: the Taliban. In a rambling “open letter” to Congress, the Taliban’s spokesman said he wanted to present American lawmakers with “a …