Yoda: CISCO $1B for Cloud — How Open? Safe?

Cisco Unveils $1B Cloud Plan EXTRACTS On Monday, Cisco unveiled an investment worth more than $1 billion to launch the world’s largest global Intercloud over the next two years. This open network of clouds will be hosted across a global network of Cisco and partner data centers featuring application process interfaces (APIs) for rapid application …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Flails at Cloud and Machine Learning

Watson with its Head in the Cloud IBM’s Watson is proceeding to the cloud. Apparently, though, the journey is proving more challenging than expected. The Register reports, “IBM’s Watson-as-a-Cloud: Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it’s Another Mainframe.” Writer Jack Clark peers through the marketing hype, maintaining that Watson does not translate …

Stephen E. Arnold: Pricing the Cloud – Amazon Web Services Not Worth It For Most

Calculating How Much Amazon Costs   Amazon Web Services are a good way to store code and other data, but it can get a little pricey. Before you upload your stuff to the Amazon cloud, check out Heap’s article, “How We Estimated Our AWS Costs Before Shipping Any Code.” Heap is an iOS and Web …

Stephen E. Arnold: In the Cloud Big Data Meta Data Hack

Finally Some Cloudy News on Metadata For Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, his team broke down data silos and moved all the data to a cloud repository. The team built Narwhal, a shared data store interface for all of the campaigns’ application. Narwhal was dubbed “Obama’s White Whale,” because it is almost a mythical technology that …

Stephen E. Arnold: $450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand

$450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand The article titled DOD Says “No Mas” On Commercial Cloud, Puts Brakes on $450M Contract on Ars Technica has some concerned that the government is rethinking its commitment to the cloud. Scott Stewart, contracting officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) explained the decision …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source to Help Secure Cloud Storage

Open Source to Help Secure Cloud Storage Posted: 02 Aug 2013 04:44 PM PDT As technology advances quickly, so do security concerns. It stands to reason that new technologies open up new vulnerabilities. But open source is working to combat those challenges in an agile and cost-effective way. Read the latest on the topic in …