Jean Lievens: European Open Science Cloud

Towards the European Open Science Cloud CERN has recently published a paper which outlines the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud that will enable digital science by introducing IT as a Service to the public research sector in Europe.

Nik Peachey: School in the Cloud — One Question at a Time

This is a great resource to generate student research and discussion. School in the Cloud School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into their innate sense of wonder and ability to work together in Self Organised Learning Envrionments.

Hal Bergel: Cloud Insecurity — Companies Cut Corners on Taxes, Regulations, AND Security…

Why Clouds Give Me a Case of the Vapors IEEE Computer, 1 November 2014 EXTRACT In my personal life I build trusted relationships one tax-avoiding, jurisdiction-shopping multinational corporation at a time. Show me a company that engages in labor arbitraging and offshore production in third-world countries paying starvation wages3 and that avoids taxes through shadow …

Stephen E. Arnold: Could Microsoft’s Machine Learning in the Cloud Help Clean Up Legacy Big Data?

Microsoft Puts Machine Learning in the Cloud Machine learning is ascending to the cloud. The Register asks, “Do Data Centers Dream of Electric Sheep? Microsoft Announces Machine Learning Cloud.” As competition in the world of SaaS and remote hosting continues to escalate, this move may set Microsoft ahead of Amazon and Google (for now). Our …