State of the Nation: Election 2020 – Restored Republic or Sodom and Gomorrah

Window of Opportunity to Restore the American Republic is Rapidly Closing If the Democrats steal their way to winning the POTUS, Senate and House on November 3, 2020, it’s all over for the American Republic.  On the other hand, if The Powers That Be allow Trump to win, there will be a perfidious plan set …

Election 2020: Week to 19 Jan 2020

Sunday, 19 January 2020 Praise Be to God! Big Picture.  Democrats in disarray. Brokered convention seems likely.  Impeachment will be a hoot.  Virginia is being stage-managed on both sides, it should ultimately lead  to the end of Democratic governors and Democratically-controlled state legislatures.  The over-reach of the  Virginia Governor on confiscating weapons in violation of …

Election 2020: Week to 12 Jan 2020

Sunday, 12 January 2020 Praise Be to God! Big Picture.  Nothing done on this all week in part because the assassination dominated everything. Consider the possibility that the assassination was faked by agreement to achieve mutual strategic objectives.