Mongoose: FBI Criminality in National Review

The Arts of Government Criminality Some of our best and brightest have destroyed evidence, altered documents, lied, leaked, and pled amnesia when questioned about their reprehensible conduct. At each stage, they were aided and abetted by a compliant media.

Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka

Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department Breaking: Mueller Thug Attorney Brandon Van Grack Resigns From Flynn Case, Other Govt Cases After Bombshell Documents Reveal He Hid Brady Material President Donald Trump: “I Hope a Lot of People Pay a Big Price – Because They Are Crooked, Dishonest People!” Covington — and Eric Holder — …

Mongoose: Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped! Durham is Building Conspiracy Case on All of Those Who Lied to the Court!

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped! Durham is Building Conspiracy Case on All of Those Who Lied to the Court! The bottom line is this, it’s unfolding and what’s happening is, what Durham is actually doing is he’s painting a picture and not everyone of these acts is going to be a specific …

Sara Carter: Powell – Unsealed FBI Handwritten Notes And Emails Reveal Agents Plotted Perjury Trap On Flynn

Powell: Unsealed FBI Handwritten Notes And Emails Reveal Agents Plotted Perjury Trap On Flynn “What is especially terrifying is that without the integrity of Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney Jensen, we still would not have this clear exculpatory information as Mr. Van Grack and the prosecutors have opposed every request we have made,” …

Zero Hedge: FBI, NYPD Raid Fashion Exec Peter Nygard’s Headquarters In Sex-Trafficking Pedophilia Investigation

FBI, NYPD Raid Fashion Exec Peter Nygard’s Headquarters In Sex-Trafficking Pedophilia Investigation The FBI and NYPD detectives raided the Manhattan headquarters of fashion executive Peter Nygard on Tuesday morning in connection with an ongoing sex-trafficking investigation, according to the New York Times, citing two law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The 78-year-old …