Berto Jongman: Robotics – Army to have more robots than humans in 2025?

US Army Will Have More Robots Than Human Soldiers By 2025 In the next 9 years, the US Army will have more combat robots than humans, according to John Bassett, a former UK intelligence officer. Basset, who worked for 20 years at the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), told attendees at a counter-terrorism meeting in …

Stephen E. Arnold: UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agency’s Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar

UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agencys Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar The article titled GCHQ: Spy Chief Admits UK Agency Losing Cyberwar Despite £860M Funding Boost on International Business Times examines the surprisingly frank confession made by Alex Dewdney, a director at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). He stated that in spite of the £860M funneled into …

Berto Jongman: Washington spends £200m creating AFRICOM intelligence hub in Britain

Washington spends £200m creating AFRICOM intelligence hub in Britain RAF Croughton, near Milton Keynes, is to have 1,250 staff and will cover US operations in Africa Washington is to spend almost £200m to turn one of its British military bases – already implicated in mass surveillance and drone strikes – into one of its largest …

Rickard Falkvinge: Ruling Class War on Truth

The Ruling Class Wages War On Truth Itself Civil Liberties – Henrik Alexandersson: The ruling class and the governments are waging a war against truth itself. Governments are demanding control over citizens and their communications. Governments don’t hesitate to persecute and imprison people who tell the truth about what’s going on, defending citizens’ rights. There is …