Review: An Inconvenient Truth–The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It (Paperback)

Watch the DVD First. Up to Four Stars if You Do That….., June 1, 2006 Al Gore Note: Although the DVD is mostly Al Gore and Powerpoint slides, interspersed with views of the adoring audience, it is a VERY effective briefing, and after seeing the DVD, my appreciation for the book went up. It is …

Jean Lievens: Overhaul Global Economy — Deals with Climate Change, Generates More and Better Profits

Climate change report: prevent damage by overhauling global economy Reducing emissions can generate better growth than old high-carbon model, says co-author of report, Lord Stern. The world can still act in time to stave off the worst effects of climate change, and enjoy the fruits of continued economic growth as long as the global economy …