Theophillis Goodyear: Short-term Adaptation Can Be Long-Term Maladaptation

It occurred to me as I was reading Beatrice Benne’s article, “Demystifying Pattern(s) of Change: A Common Archetype,” that America is facing calamity now because we’ve been so wildly successful at going through the adaptive change cycle, over and over. But the successes were short-term, and now all these short-term successes are adding up to …

Theophillis Goodyear: Tsunami Bombs – Symptom of a World Gone Mad

Tsunami Bombs: A Symptom of a World Gone Mad From the article: “A New Zealand author has rediscovered evidence of top secret tests carried out by the United States and New Zealand during World War II. The tests explored the creation of a ‘tsunami bomb’ capable of flooding coastal cities of the Allies’ enemies [and] …

Theophillis Goodyear: Wealth of Networks Summarized

Wealth is Coordination The degree to which people’s activities are uncoordinated is the degree to which their society is poor. The degree to which people’s activities are coordinated is the degree to which their society is wealthy. The other factor is productivity. But without coordination, productivity doesn’t mean squat in a complex economy. It’s the …

Theophillis Goodyear: Dangerous Dynamics – Mistakes Rooted in Secrecy Perpetually Deny Truth

As long as the strategy of “war on terrorism” remains the same, it’s against the interests of the Pentagon to admit their strategy isn’t working. In theory that could embolden the enemy. But let’s look at two sides of that. The enemy seems to know better than we do how futile our strategy is in …

Theophillis Goodyear: How American Democracy Became the Property of a Commercial Oligarchy

Feast of Fools: How American Democracy Became the Property of a Commercial Oligarchy Huffington Post, 20 August 2012 Cross-posted with [A longer version of this essay appears in “Politics,” the Fall 2012 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly; this slightly shortened version is posted at with the kind permission of that magazine.] All power corrupts …