Wayne Jett: CABAL STALLS MAGA – USMCA, China, NK, Iran, Ukraine On Hold

CABAL STALLS MAGA – USMCA, China, NK, Iran, Ukraine On Hold President Donald Trump’s first two years in the White House accomplished remarkable successes despite political attacks against him and his administration waged primarily through the justice system. His third year, with the House controlled by Nancy Pelosi Democrats, now appears mired in self-styled impeachment proceedings …

Yoda: Iran Makes Overture to President Trump – Iran Student Leader Regrets 1979 U.S. Embassy Attack UPDATE 1

This public admission was assuredly approved by the Supreme Leader of Iran. This is an overture from the Supreme  Leader to President Donald Trump. Iran student leader says he regrets 1979 U.S. Embassy attack “Like Jesus Christ, I bear all the sins on my shoulders,” said Ebrahim Asgharzadeh, a student leader who says he now …

American Herald Tribune: Iran – Looking Bright

Iran: Looking Towards a Bright Future Iran has an ancient history but a very modern present and future. Despite the best (or worst) of some European nations and others such as the United States and Australia, Iran has powerful friends and bright prospects. Read full article.

Patrick Cockburn: Saudi Arabia Drone Attack Changes Global Warfare — and US IC Either Has No HUMINT, IMINT, or SIGINT on Iran Or US IC Was Part of a Joint Israel Saudi Arabia False Flag Action

The drone attacks in Saudi Arabia have changed the nature of global warfare On the morning of 14 September, 18 drones and seven cruise missiles – all cheap and unsophisticated compared to modern military aircraft – disabled half of Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production and raised the world price of oil by 20 per cent. …

Veterans Today: Iranian Peace Plan — And Fear of a Shi’Ite Nuclear State

Rouhani to present Hormuz Peace Initiative at UN “This year at the United Nations, we will present to the world the Hormuz Peace Initiative — the gist of which is love and hope — with the slogan ‘The coalition of hope,’” he said. Rouhani said the initiative will envision the provision of security for the …