Koko: Alert Reader on Near Future — China Rules, US Allies with Russia

Alert Reader, retired senior intelligence officer, writes in: Robert, in my opinion Russia has already established control over the Middle East by defeating ISIS, ISIL, Daesh et al. Putin’s incredible ability to negotiate win/win trade deals and weapons purchases of Russian advanced defensive weapons by so many Mideast nations is expanding the Russian Federation’s economy. All …

Koko: Community Water Sovereignty & Planet Local

Community Water Sovereignty and Planet Local In this update, we ask: How can communities take control of their own water supplies and achieve ‘water sovereignty’? Just how circular is the much-talked-about ‘circular economy’? And is there a substantive difference between the Leave and Remain camps when it comes to Brexit? Plus, Helena Norberg-Hodge makes a …

Koko: Solar Fuel?

Scientists are trying to bottle solar energy and turn it into liquid fuel “A solar thermal fuel is like a rechargeable battery, but instead of electricity you put sunlight in and get heat out.” Scientists have spent decades looking for a way do just that, and now researchers in Sweden are reporting significant progress. They’ve …

Koko: Daniel Schmachtenberger on Phase-Shifting Humanity

Phase Shifting Humanity with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Future Thinkers Podcast “He specifically focuses on developing economic and governmental systems that by design incentivize life-enhancing behavior, decentralized problem solving, and conscious participation. “In this episode, Daniel talks about many deep and fascinating ideas to do with building a better future for humanity. He describes why we …

Koko: Southeast Asia Gutted by Logging, Mining, and Palming

Southeast Asia Getting Killed by Logging and Mining When an airplane is approaching Singapore Changi Airport, it makes the final approach either from the direction of Peninsular Malaysia, or from the Indonesian island of Batam. Either way, the scope for natural disaster under the wings is of monumental proportions.