NIGHTWATCH Extract: PSYOP versus Truth in AF-PK

Afghanistan-Pakistan: Afghanistan’s Tolo TV cited Pakistani media stating that Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar was arrested in Pakistan, Xinhua reported 6 July. Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf Ahmadi almost immediately rejected the report as “mere Western propaganda,” stating that the Taliban chief is free, enjoys sound health and is in full command of his fighters. The …

Journal: PSYOP Dies, Renamed, Still Dead

PSYOP has long had problems being PSYOP.  Overseas they often work as “Military Information Support Teams” (MISTs).  If you want to get them significantly spun up, try to discuss with them “perception management” or “deception.”  Try that and they tend to go to ground very quickly.  As for nefarious, spooky, and master manipulators, US PSYOP has …

Joachim Hagopian: Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air

Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air Truth and revolution are in the air. With the unveiling of so many known health hazards linked directly to the Big Pharma industry’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the international crime cabal is now on the defensive, using the adage that the best …

Matthew Ehret: Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy

Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy Are geopolitical analysts in the west seriously delusional enough to believe that Russia and China can be undermined? It was only one month ago that the world found itself trapped on a fast track to nuclear war between …

Caitlin Johnstone: The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix In later years we’re going to learn about some of the covert operations which US intelligence agencies and their proxies were using to smash the rise of socialism in America today and a lot of people are going to feel …