Paul Craig Roberts: Joanathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League, Earns Almost $700,000 a Year and Is Overpaid by 57%

An agent of a foreign power, very well paid. Institution Revenue: $55,295,291 Institution Total Expenses: $54,166,490 Employees: 408 Salary: $689,8309 Overpaid by: 57% The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the Zionist secret police, an agent of a foreign power (Zionist Israel) that specializes in censoring and digitally assassinating anyone who dares to address Zionist penetration of …

Paul Craig Roberts: Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes

Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes Wherever we look in these times, we see evidence-free accusations established as absolute facts: Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” “Iranian nukes,” “Russian invasion of Ukraine,” the Trump/Putin conspiracy that stole the 2016 US presidential election, Syrian use of poison gas. Not a scrap of evidence exists for any …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Nuclear Posture Criminally Insane

The Nuclear Posture Review: The World Will Not Surive the American Neoconservatives’ Doctrine of US World Hegemony The new US nuclear posture is a reckless, irresponsible, and destabilizing departure from the previous attitude toward nuclear weapons. The use of even a small part of the existing arsenal of the United States would be sufficient to …

Paul Craig Roberts: Propaganda — the North Korean Film About the USA and How It Manufactures Consent

Sometimes We Learn The Most About Ourselves From Our Opponents This is a North Korean film with English voiceover that examines the role of propaganda in the United States and the Western world generally to keep the population distracted, ignorant, and brainwashed. North Korea is the most demonized country on earth, more so even than …