Yoda: Zionist Plan – Biden Steps Down, Zionist Asian Slave Owner Harris Rises, Republican Never Trumper as VP (Zionist Bob Corker)? AND Jared Kushner Sodomizes Kayne West . . .

Shit, not. Satire, not. Plan, this is. Kamala Harris’ Husband Doug Emhoff Is Our Hot Jewish Dad Crush If you’re not confused, you’re not paying attention: We’re living at the near-height of anti-Semitic incidents in American history. We’re also living during the most Jewish presidential election in American history.

State of the Nation: Election 2020 – Restored Republic or Sodom and Gomorrah

Window of Opportunity to Restore the American Republic is Rapidly Closing If the Democrats steal their way to winning the POTUS, Senate and House on November 3, 2020, it’s all over for the American Republic.  On the other hand, if The Powers That Be allow Trump to win, there will be a perfidious plan set …

Richard Cordero: Proposal for Reuter’s Investigation of Federal Judges for Corruption & Abuse of Power

A proposal to extend Reuters’s investigation of state judges, which found “hardwired judicial corruption”, to federal judges, who have institutionalized their abuse of power as their modus operandi, running the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise, whose exposure can so outrage a public intolerant of abuse of powerthat the public forces the issue into the …

DefDog: Smart Cops Standing with Public — Dump Cops at Risk?

A Handful Of Cops Are Standing Up to Tyranny WITH The People Just because it’s legal, it isn’t necessarily right, and just because it’s right doesn’t necessarily mean it’s legal. It appears that even a few police officers have figured it out at this point. Perhaps they know people are standing up and they don’t …

Robert Steele: Terminating the Administrative State – Ending Legislative Abdication and Executive Abuse of Non-Delegated Powers

The Supreme Court Is One Vote Away from Changing How the U.S. Is Governed Hats off to Jeannie Suk Gersen of The New Yorker for a really fine article that makes the point that George Will is absolutely right in The Conservative Sensibility — the Executive has run amok (including stop light cameras at the …