John Maquire: LENR (Cold Fusion) Dispenses with the Harmful Radiation & Waste – Plus Interview with Dr. Edmund Storms

LENR (aka Cold Fusion) entails the production of industrial-scale excess heat — often times producing energy densities associated with traditional “Hot Fusion”. In traditional hot fusion experiments, the reaction is not yet proven controllable and all sorts of harmful radiation result, which demands all sorts of precautionary measures costing huge sums. In the case of …

Berto Jongman: New book about Fukushima reveals details on the radiation disaster

New book about Fukushima reveals details on the radiation disaster The Union of Concerned Scientists has published a new story about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant catastrophe that took place in 2011. Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster (The New Press) was written by David Lochbaum, head of the UCS’s Nuclear Safety Project; Edwin …

SchwartzReport: Obama Approves Radical Increase in “Acceptable” Radiation Exposure; Opting Out of Wall Street; and Algae-Powered Urban Building

You read reports like this one and you realize once again how big a disconnect there is between what Obama and his administration say, and what they actually do. That a Republican administration would have been even worse is small comfort. As these sorts of acts make cl! ear both are corrupt and more interested …

Koko: Fukushima Radiation Update for US West Coast

2013-02-20  U.S. bluefin tuna still contaminated with Fukushima radiation — Study: Cesium found in 100% of small, recently migrated tuna tested Forbes, Feb. 20, 2013: […] Last week one of the authors of the study from last year, Daniel J. Madigan from Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station—along with five other scientists— published a new follow-up …

Owl: Solar Flare, Nuclear Meltdowns, Earth Radiation

Severe Solar Storms Could Disrupt Earth This Decade: NOAA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a federal agency that focuses on the condition of the oceans and atmosphere, said a severe solar storm could cause global disruptions in GPS systems, power grids, satellite communications, and airline communications. Profound change of the near-Earth radiation environment caused …