Cynthia McKinney: Research for the Resistance: Map the Power Takes Off!

Research for the Resistance: Map the Power Takes Off! Something we believed that our movements needed, but didn’t have enough of, is power research — or research into the elite and corporate networks that really hold power in our society.    . . . With this in mind, we started our #MapThePower project with the belief …

Jon Rappoport: Trump seeks to slash $6 billion from gov’t medical research: why not more?

Trump seeks to slash $6 billion from gov’t medical research: why not more? The US National Institutes of Health (NIH), a federal agency, is the largest medical research institution in the world. Its 2010 budget was $30 billion. It employs 20,000 people. Trump wants to cut $6 billion from its budget. Here’s what you need …

Ty Simpson: 85% of Research Wasted – Fix?

An International Team of Experts Just Released A “Manifesto” on How to Fix Science Experts have published a “manifesto” on how to improve science research in four areas: methods, reporting and dissemination, reproducibility, and evaluation and incentives. With research showing that many published scientific papers fail to move science forward, this manifesto provides a much-needed …

Steve Aftergood: $137 Billion in Wrongful Spending in Just One Year – Congressional Research Service

The government mistakenly disbursed more than $137 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, the highest annual level of wrongful spending ever reported, the Congressional Research Service noted last week. Over $1 trillion in improper payments have been made by government agencies since 2004. Improper payments “are payments made in an incorrect amount, payments that should not …

Congressional Research Service: Presidential Stuff

Presidential Transitions: Issues Involving Outgoing and Incoming Administrations The report addresses the use of executive orders, record preservation and clemency actions by the outgoing Administration, as well as cybersecurity, budget preparation, political appointments, and so forth. Essential reference. Security Clearance Process:Answers to Frequently Asked Questions In fact, the security clearance system itself is an expression …