Robert Steele: Congressional Research Service Publications on U.S. Defense and U.S. Intelligence

Congressional Research Service Publications on U.S. Defense and U.S. Intelligence Editor In Chief Jan H. Kalvik, Defence and Intelligence Norway together with Mr. David Robert Steele (ex CIA) met in Oslo to discuss establishing a Nordic Intelligence Centre. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) publishes unclassified informational documents for Members of the US Senate and US …

Berto Jongman: Action-Based Indigenous Research — a Short Bibliography

Bibliography on Action-Based Research Methods Action-based research is about making material and social change during our research, through methods and methodologies, rather than after data has been collected. Some are explicitly activist, while others might be about making more ethical collaborations. Such methods are particularly relevant to discard studies, since our field studies something that is seen as harmful and/or …

Evaluating Interdisciplinary Research: A Practical Guide

Evaluating Interdisciplinary Research: A Practical Guide Professor Veronica Strang and Professor Tom McLeish FRS Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, July 2015 Introduction Section 1. Overview Section 2. Foundational Principles for Interdisciplinary Research and Evaluation Section 3. Assessing Interdisciplinary Funding Proposals Section 4. Assessing Interdisciplinary Outputs Section 5. Assisting Interdisciplinary Careers Section 6. Asessing Interdisciplinary …

Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccine Researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield (connected vaccines with autism) Vindicated, Sues British Medical Journal

Slowly grind the mills of justice …  It is now more than ten years ago that the vaccine establishment came after Andrew Wakefield and John Walker Smith and raked them over hot coals for saying that perhaps the MMR vaccine had something to do with the intestinal trouble many kids seemed to be having. The …