Patrick Meier: Big Data Sensing and Shaping Emerging Conflict

Big Data: Sensing and Shaping Emerging Conflicts The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and US Institute of Peace (USIP) co-organized a fascinating workshop on “Sensing & Shaping Emerging Conflicts” in November 2012. I had the pleasure of speaking at this workshop, the objective of which was to “identify major opportunities and impediments to providing better real-time information to actors directly …

Marcus Aurelius: French Thoughts on Afghanistan — the Perfect Storm in 2014

April 27, 2013 Departing French Envoy Has Frank Words on Afghanistan By ALISSA J. RUBIN KABUL, Afghanistan — It is always hard to gauge what diplomats really think unless one of their cables ends up on WikiLeaks, but every once in a while, the barriers fall and a bit of truth slips into public view. …

Tom Atlee: 17 April 2013 Democracy, Peace, & the Iriquois Teleconference

Dear friends, An invitation to speak has brought me back to some roots of my work I haven’t revisited in some time – the Iroquois Confederacy and its recognition of the intimate tie between democracy and peace – collective wisdom and collective tranquility.  Peace between people requires their respectful, insight-seeking conversation.  It requires, as Oren …

Greg Palast: YouTube (30:37) 30 Minutes on Forthcoming US Election Theft 5.9 Million Votes Slated to “Vanish”

Phi Beta Iota:  Three months prior to the 2000 elections in the USA, Greg Palast broke the story on Florida disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters in predominantly Democratic precincts.  Now his new book and the underlying investigations have focused on Bain Capital buying and managing the voting machines in several state, and how the …