Paul Craig Robert: Paris a False Flag to Legalize US War on Syria and Bury Trump-Sanders — Is This Another Foreign Policy Coup?

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations — Paul Craig Roberts The only benefactor of the Paris attack is the Western political establishment and Washington’s goal of unseating Assad in Syria. The Paris attack has removed the threat to the French, German, and British political establishments from the National Front, Pegida, and the UK Independence Party. …

IVN: Bernie Sanders Loves the Two-Party Tyranny, Refuses to Embrace Non-Partisan Electoral Reform

Why Won’t Bernie Sanders Embrace Nonpartisan Election Reform? On Thursday, Open Primaries President and CEO John Opdycke and Dr. Jessie Fields, a founding member of the Independent Party in New York City and Open Primaries board member, co-authored an op-ed in Newsweek titled, “Bernie Sanders Should Embrace Political Reform.”  . . .   When it comes …

Michael Kearns: Bernie Sanders & Cornell West

Bernie Sanders & Cornel West: The radical alliance that could change everything EXTRACT “I love brother Bernie,” West replied. “He tells the truth about Wall Street. He really does.” But West, who feels burned and spurned by President Obama, his team, and the Democratic Party generally, then turned immediately to the specter of Hillary Clinton. …