David Isenberg: NATO Connects with Open Source Everything Meme

James Stavridis: How NATO’s Supreme Commander thinks about global security Imagine a global security driven by collaboration — among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That’s not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it’s the vision of James Stavridis, the Supreme Commander of NATO, who shares vivid moments from recent military history …

Review: Need, Speed and Greed – How the New Rules of Innovation Can Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to Greatness, and Tame the World’s Most Wicked Problems

Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran 5.0 out of 5 stars Beyond 5 Stars, Quick & Dirty Bright Light of Convergence,March 20, 2012 This book was brought to my attention by Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P Foundation and chief editor of its wiki. I follow him through Scoop.it and act instantly on his suggestions. The ideas in …

Robert Steele: Intelligent Management of Intelligence Agencies, and the New Craft of Intelligence

I have begun drafting my portion of the new Handbook of Intelligence Studies (Routledge, 2013), it is a chapter early on entitled “The Craft of Intelligence.”  I pick up where Allen Dulles and Sherman Kent left off.  My graphic on Intelligence Maturity captures the essence of my thinking at the strategic level, but of course …

Sjai Hajela: The Days of “Manager Knows Best” Are Ending

The Days of “Manager Knows Best” Are Ending Sujai Hajela Harvard Business Review, 1 February 2012 EXTRACT: As companies resolve these issues, management styles will evolve. The days when a leader can confidently say “I know best” will come to an end. Managers will no longer be able to communicate with just a small circle …