Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 37 – US Senate Select Intelligence Committee Probing Israeli Interference in 2016 Election — Probably Using NSA’s Parallel Construction Investigation Ordered by Attorney General…

Israel’s interference in 2016 US election to be probed by Senators American lawmakers have summoned a British security consultant to probe Israel’s role in alleged Russian interference with the 2016 election, which has been the subject of a two-year long FBI investigation. The Senate Intelligence Committee is seeking an interview with Walter Soriano, director of …

Robert Steele: Zionism Strike 36 – NSA Aiding Israel’s By Name Assassinations

This is both an absolute and a relative outrage. CIA is much worse in terms of direct action.  The President must, in his second term, transform how America elects its officials (#UNRIG); transform how America governs (evidence-based decision-making), and end the occupation of America by the Zionist parasite. New Snowden Leaked Memos Show NSA Aided Israel’s “Targeted …

Zero Hedge: James Kunstler on Trump Strikes Back — the Coup Plotters Go To Jail…

Trump Strikes Back …the bad faith of his antagonists exceeds even Mr. Trump’s defects and vices. The plot they concocted to get rid of him failed. And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they fucked it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95. Now all that paper is about …

Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 35 – NSA Documenting Members of Congress Who Are and Have Been Israel Firsters

I just learned today that NSA is on a full bore retrospective database search to document every Member of Congress making promises to Zionist Israel and accepting undeclared compensation from Zionist Israel — every single such Member, which is all but three by my count — is subject to criminal trial and will at a …

Yoda: Zionist Strike 34 – Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Anti-BDS Law for Violating the First Amendment

Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Anti-BDS Law For Violating the First Amendment Texas is one of 25 states that have passed laws requiring state agencies to not do business with companies that support the BDS movement—boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. The movement, which is modeled on the South African anti-apartheid movement, rose in response …

Ed Jewett: Zionist Strike 32 — The Assassination of JFK Jr. By Israel For Hillary Clinton, Covered Up by President Bill Clinton UPDATE – JFK Jr. Alive?

The Broken Presidential Destiny of JFK, Jr. Israel’s “Kennedy Curse”? Laurent Guyénot Like Michael Collins Piper long before me, and like Ron Unz more recently, I believe that Israel assassinated both JFK and RFK. From there follows naturally the hypothesis that Israel also killed JFK Jr., and for the very same reason as they killed …