Yoda: Zionist Strike 31 — 77 Senators Vote Against First Amendment and in Favor of Israel First Not America First — Seek to Make It a Felony to Call for Boycott of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel UPDATE 1: Naomi Klein Video

Ha’aretz: U.S. Senate Passes anti-BDS Legislation With Strong Majority Democratic senators were almost evenly split on the bill; passage in House of Representatives not guaranteed at this point Al Jazeera: US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal Tuesday’s Senate vote, which was 77-23, sends the legislation to the House of Representatives where it …

SPECIAL: Jim Stone – Zionist Strike 30 – Vaccine Eugenics Program Exposed

The [Zionist] Supremacist Community in America Is Freaking Out – The Vaccine Scam Is Far Worse Than Anyone Realizes Observation: The [Zionists] are scared sh*tless. They have been busted rigging elections, destroying our media, poisoning our foods, destroying our children, assaulting our families, intentionally staging the immigrant crisis – EVERYONE KNOWS IT IS THEM yet …

Zionism Strike 28: 88 Members of the House of Representative Suck Up to Zionist Israel and Demand an Ambassador Censor to Monitor Criticism of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel, a Mafia State

 House Bill Forces Trump to Nominate “Anti-Semitism Envoy” Who Would Monitor Criticism of Israel The position of anti-Semitism envoy was created in 2004 over the objections of the State Department, which said it wasn’t needed. It was urged by Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs Natan Sharansky, who had formulated a new definition of anti-Semitism that includes criticism …

Mongoose: Zion Strike 27 – US Police Pressured to End Zionist Training — Investigation May Emerge into Zionist Mind-Control of Police Trained in Israel

Alert Reader. a retired police officer, writes in… U.S. Police Under Pressure to End Their Relationship With Israel This is long overdue. They teach American police to empty their clips into the target as soon as they start shooting, to view every perp or possible offender as a Palestinian “little snake” terrorist as they call …

Mongoose: Zion Strike 25 – Texas Fires Teacher for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

We do not make this shit up. This is a deepening of Zion Strike Four. The eradication of Zionist influence over the US economy, US government, and US society must be priority one going into 2020. Patriots everywhere should carefully explain the difference between Zionism (evil) and Judaism (good). Twitter Source with Comments (Unconstitutional? No …