Robert Steele: Electoral Reform Before Supreme Court (One Tiny Piece)

Election reform is on the line at the Supreme Court SUPREME COURT observers focused on the Affordable Care Act case this week. But the justices heard arguments Monday in another case with potentially major implications for the country’s proper functioning: a dispute over whether voters can break the self-serving system in which state politicians manipulate …

SchwartzReport: 66 Out of 17,000 Lawyers Own the Supreme Court of the USA

One of the trends that concerns me the most is the corruption of the American judiciary. As empires decay, whether Roman, Burmese, or American one of the processes the failing empire goes through is that their permanent civil service structure becomes increasingly a shop closed to all but a few with special access. This article …

SchwartzReport: Will Marijuana Challenge Destroy the GOP and the Supreme Court in One Go?

It is driving the rightist prohibitionists crazy that none of the dire predictions they made about ending Marijuana prohibition have come to pass. In fact the outcomes have been the exact opposite to what they said would happen. So now they are trying to get the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to reverse what …