Zero Hedge: CJ Hopkins on Threat to President Donald of Assassination — All Non-Lethal Options Have Failed, Time for Lethal?

Dead President Walking? Authored (satirically) by CJ Hopkins via, I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I’m a little worried about Donald Trump. I’m worried he may be on the verge of a sudden, major heart attack, or a stroke, or a fatal golfing accident. Food poisoning is another possibility. Or he …

James Veltmeyer, MD: Editorial on Trump as an Existential Threat to New World Order

EDITORIAL: TRUMP – Existential Threat to New World Order EDITORIAL – The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump –which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President’s enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various …

BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Attack Trump Properties — Now That Is Personal!

Iran To Attack Trump Properties? Top Adviser Tweets List Of President’s Real Estate Empire After Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei clarified on Friday that ‘death to America’ really means death to President Trump, Secretary if State Mike Pompeo and other “American Rulers,” a top adviser to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani shared a list of …

State of the Nation: The Zionist Khazarian Mafia Threat to the USA

The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America Phi Beta Iota: Worthy of a full read. Avoids the Vatican and British Empire threats, but properly distinguishes between Zionists (evil) and Jews (good) so we have no quarrel with it.  A summary that is …