Robert Steele: #OWS Non-Violence versus Violence

Occupy Wall Street is at a delicate point both in the USA and overseas.  Despite its clear commitment to non-violence, police violence in the USA–and provocateur violence in Europe–are eroding the moral legitimacy of the Occupy Wall Street. 1)  Occupy Wall Street needs to maintain discipline, and both domestically and overseas, when provocateurs begin violence, …

Event: 6 Oct Freedom Plaza DC Occupation & Resistance

From Margaret Flowers, M.D. and activist with the Physicians for a National Health Planto friends of the Tikkun Community and Network of Spiritual Progressives: Beginning on October 6, 2011, we (thousands of individuals) will gather together to occupy Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.We will hold a rally that day starting at noon with music and …

Tom Atlee: Global Interdependence Movements Et Al

GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS, DECLARATIONS AND DAYS by Tom Atlee It is so good to celebrate INdependence Days in the United States and the many other countries that have successfully gained and defended their independence from colonial rule. For countries as well as individuals, independence is a dramatic move from dependence into a more self-defined, self-created …