1997 Creating a “Bare Bones” Capability for Open Source Support to Defense Intelligence Analysis

DOC: Creating a Bare Bones OSINT Capability When Paul Wallner, on rotation from DIA to CIA, first attempted to establiksh an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) concept of operations, this was the first paper delivered to him.  At the same time, he gave OSS a fair shot at business with ten trial weekly reports spanning everything …

1995 Peters (US) INADEQUATE ANSWERS: Bureaucracy, Wealth, and the Mediocrity of U.S. Intelligence Analysis

Ralph Peters is the only author other than Will Durant to have his own shelf in the OSS/EIN/PBI library.  He can anger, infuriate, provoke and sometimes even drive insane those who are impatient with controversy.  We hold him in the highest regard as one who consistently speaks truth to power.  See the reviews of his …

Neal Rauhauser: On Intelligence & Foreign Policy Analysis — Looking Forward, Looking Behind

Looking Forward, Looking Behind The Democratic Study Group was a 150 staff member legislative service organization(LSO) that had as customers all of the Democratic members of Congress and a good number of Republicans. This internal think tank analyzed policy proposals, serving as an in-house ‘brain’ for Congress. The “Republican Revolution” of 1994 would lead to the …