NIGHTWATCH: Iraq, Destabilized Further by Syria, Update

Iraq: Bombs exploded in Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad and in surrounding towns on Friday, killing at least 76 people. Two staggered explosions were used in the deadliest attack which targeted Muslims as they were leaving the main Sunni mosque in Baqubah, 35 miles north-east of Baghdad. The second explosion targeted people who gathered to help …

NIGHTWATCH: China Shows Muscle & Gravitas — Syria Shows Staying Power — USA Losing on All Fronts Due to Ignorance and Arrogance

China-North Korea: Update. China’s Foreign Ministry declined Wednesday, 8 May, to confirm the Bank of China’s closure of the account of the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank. In response to a question at Wednesday’s news conference, Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, “For specifics, please refer it to competent Chinese authorities.” Sources of the Daily NK …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Internet Down, Iran Admonished Arabs

Syria: For the record. Multiple internet monitoring services reported that Syria has dropped off the Internet. One reported it is a total blackout for the country of Syria. Supposedly this has happened at least once before, prior to the start of a government offensive. Israel-Syria: Israel is not getting involved in Syria’s civil war, Defense …

NIGHTWATCH & Et Al: Syria Round-Up

NIGHTWATCH Israel-Syria-Hezbollah: US news media citing unidentified US officials reported that the Israeli Air Force executed a ground attack at a weapons warehouse in Syria. Israeli officials declined to comment but Lebanese press reported low flying Israeli combat aircraft flew over Nabatiye Governate in south Lebanon on Friday morning. Comment: The description of the attack …

NIGHTWATCH: Iran, Syria, WMD — and Bolivia Expels AID for Covert Operations

Iran: The Foreign Minister said Iran considers use of chemical weapons in Syria a “red line” and wants the opposition investigated for using them. “We have always emphasized that the use of chemical weapons on the part of anyone is our red line,” Salehi said, according to the ISNA news agency. “Iran is opposed to …