Mongoose: Washington Times Says “Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history”

Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history Cheryl K. Chumley The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed. In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and …

DefDog: China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and the Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus

China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and the Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an …