Berto Jongman: Brennan Set Petraeus and CIA Up in Benghazi, CIA 7th Floor Also Betrayed Him, Dual Chain of Command in Africa + Brennan/Drone RECAP

EXCLUSIVE: David Petraeus was brought down after betrayal by vengeful CIA agents and his own bodyguards who made sure his affair was exposed, claims new book Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL, and Jack Murphy, a former Green Beret, reveal the new claims in their book ‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’ Petraeus was humiliated after a …

Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …

Berto Jongman: SSCI Pre-Hearing Q&A — Superb Questions, Cloudy Answers — Robert Steele Answers 6 of 40 Questions Honestly + IC/CIA Health RECAP

SSCI Pre-Hearing Questions for John Brennan 28 Pages, 40 Questions ROBERT STEELE:  CIA was clearly a full participant in the drafting of these answers, many of which are utter nonsense (being effective at clandestine intelligence, all-source analysis, and open source intelligence, to take three fairly pertinent examples).  The questions are the best I have ever …

Patrick Meier: Map or Be Mapped — Psycho-Social Political-Economic Power in a Map

Map or Be Mapped: Otherwise You Don’t Exist “There are hardly any street signs here. There are no official zip codes. No addresses. Just word of mouth” (1). Such is the fate of Brazil’s Mare shanty-town and that of most shantytowns around the world where the spoken word is king (and not necessarily benevolent). “The sprawling …

Steven Aftergood: Keeping Secrets from Congress — and Report on CIA’s Global (54 Country) Rendition and Torture Program

Keeping Secrets from Congress When government information is classified or otherwise withheld from release, the possibility of government accountability to the public is undermined.  But when the executive branch withholds crucial information from Congress, that may pose an even more fundamental challenge to democratic governance. Read full article. A Report on CIA Detention and Rendition …

SchwartzReport: Seven Sins of GMO Lobby — Toxicity & Infertility — True Cost of Commercialization and Corruption of Basic Science

Here is a very sound paper on the activities of the pro-GMO lobby, and their assault on the integrity of science. The pro-GM lobby’s seven sins against science Peter Melchett Soil Association, 17 December 2012 The role that genetically modified (GM) food should play in our food chain is a highly contested political issues. One …